2019 – Our New Hat Steamer is Here – See How It Helps Us Shape Your Western Hat – Part 2

Shaping a Western Hat with a Hat Steamer Just in case you missed Part 1 of this video series, we are very fortunate to have seen a big increase over the past few years in the number of hats we’re shaping and fitting. As it turns out, that increase was the catalyst for us toRead more ⟶

2019 – Our New Hat Steamer is Here – See How It Helps Us Shape Your Western Hat – Part 1

Shaping a Western Hat with a Hat Steamer Our business continues to change and evolve. And that includes an expansion in our hat fitting and shaping areas. In fact, the changes have been significant and we decided it was time to add a new, more powerful hat steamer to the business. The new steamer makesRead more ⟶

Longevity – Being There For The Long Haul At The Silver Spur

I’ve been thinking a lot about longevity lately. I’m not sure why my mind keeps going back to that specific word or phrase but I’m guessing it has a lot to do with the fact that I’ve been thinking about my Grandpa Strein even more than normal in the past few days. The crazy worldRead more ⟶

Shaping a Western Felt Hat – Part Two

In this video Craig Strein will share his over 40 years of experience in the world of western hats, specifically how to shape a western felt hat. This video is a continuation of a visit I had with Craig Strein of the Silver Spur Saddle Shop several weeks ago. While I was visiting with him,Read more ⟶

Breast Cancer Awareness – Nominate Someone You Know!

As many of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So many of us know, love, and support women and men who have fought or continue to fight this disease. With that in mind, we would like to honor an individual who is a breast cancer survivor and/or currently fighting breast cancer. We will beRead more ⟶

Removing Mold and Maintaining Your Tack – Part Two

Removing Mold and Maintaining Your Tack – Part Two,  is the second in a series of two videos I recently completed on how to safely and effectively remove mold from your tack. Your tack is not only a financial investment, it’s also an investment in you and your horse’s safety. Mold can quickly deterioriate yourRead more ⟶

Removing Mold and Maintaining Your Tack – Part One

From time to time, we all experience ‘it” and by “it” I mean mold. This video, “Removing Mold and Maintaining Your Tack – Part One,” details how to remove mold on tack and preserve your investment so that you can maximize safety for horse and rider. As a saddle maker for the past 30+ years,Read more ⟶

Snaffles, Stopping, Backing & more with Mike Davis

In this video, Snaffles, Stopping, Backing & more with Mike Davis, you will learn exactly how these three things impact each other. How does the right or wrong snaffle affect how a horse backs up? How does it affect how they stop? Watch and find out. Mike Davis is a World-Champion Reining Horse Trainer andRead more ⟶

Tips On Improving Your Balance & Performance

Balance is a critical element when it comes to safety, performance and success in the saddle. In this video, Mike Davis, Champion Reining Horse Trainer and Horseman, provides several quick tips and exercises to help you improve your balance in the saddle. Mike Davis is a World-Champion Reining Horse Trainer and Competitor. More importantly, MikeRead more ⟶